Sauna Fun

The top 15 most outrageous sauna accessories

Welcome to the world of saunas, where sweating isn’t just a side effect, it’s a lifestyle…..! And to make that lifestyle even more outrageous, I’ve rounded up the top 15 most absurd sauna accessories that’ll take your sauna experience to the next level…. From the sauna selfie stick to the sauna sound machine, get ready …

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Sauna Comedy: What happens in the sauna stays in the sauna

Hello sauna sweaters! Today I’m going to approach sauna-ing from the lighter side, by sharing some comedic observations about sauna-going…..! Now, I know some of you may be thinking, “Hey, what’s so funny about saunas?” Well, let me tell you, there’s plenty of comedy to be found in our beloved little hot rooms. You just …

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Sweating out the laughs: A Humorous Newbie Guide to Saunas

Welcome to the humorous beginner’s guide to saunas, if you want to learn and smile at the same time..! Have you ever been at a fancy spa or fitness center and seen that little darkish room with some dimmed, steamy lights and thought to yourself, What the heck is that thing…..? Well, my friend, that …

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